Scarborough Consumer Guide

2024 Release 1

To view Answers table, please click any Measurement
  • Activities done regularly
  • Activities past 12 months
  • Airlines used for domestic/foreign travel past 12 months
  • Airlines used past 12 months (business)
  • Airlines used past 12 months (vacation/personal)
  • Airports used as point of departure past 12 months
  • Amount spent on last vacation
  • Amount spent on vacations past 12 months
  • Car rental companies used past 12 months
  • Casino activities done or attended past 12 months
  • Casino activities done or attended past 3 months
  • Casinos visited past 12 months
  • Casinos visited past 12 months (by name)
  • Casinos visited past 3 months (by name)
  • Events attended/places visited past 12 months
  • Events/places plan to attend/visit next 12 months
  • Florida areas spent 1+nights at hotel/motel/resort pst 12 mo
  • Golf - amount spent on a round
  • Golf - how often usually play
  • Hotel/motels past 12 months
  • Length of residence in area
  • Length of residence in area
  • Live in area year-round or part of the year
  • Live in area year-round or part of the year
  • Movies - when usually seen at a theater past 12 months
  • No. air trips outside cont US past 12 mo(primarily business)
  • No. air trips outside cont US past 12 mo(primarily vacation)
  • No. air trips outside continental U.S. past 12 months
  • No. domestic air round trips past 12 mo (primarily business)
  • No. domestic air round trips past 12 mo (primarily vacation)
  • No. of air round trips past 12 months
  • No. of air round trips past 12 months (primarily business)
  • No. of air round trips past 12 months (primarily vacation)
  • No. of domestic air round trips past 12 months
  • No. of times attended movie at a theater past 3 months
  • No. of times attended movie at a theater past 30 days
  • No. of times bought lottery ticket past 30 days (Any bought)
  • No. of times bought other lottery ticket past 30 days
  • No. of times bought Powerball ticket past 30 days
  • No. of times bought scratch-off lottery ticket past 30 days
  • No. of trips outside continental U.S. past 12 months
  • No. of trips to continental U.S. past 12 months
  • No. trips outside cont. U.S. past 12 mo (primarily business)
  • No. trips outside cont. U.S. past 12 mo (primarily vacation)
  • No. trips to continental U.S. past 12 mo(primarily business)
  • No. trips to continental U.S. past 12 mo(primarily vacation)
  • Number of times visited or attended past 12 months
  • Places visited for a day trip past 12 months
  • Places visited overnight or longer past 12 mo (vac/personal)
  • Places visited overnight or longer past 12 months
  • Places visited overnight or longer past 12 months (business)
  • Short term rentals used past 12 months
  • Spent 1 or more nights in hotel/motel/resort in Florida
  • Traveled by Acela/other Amtrak train past 12 mo
  • Traveled by Acela/other Amtrak train past 12 mo (business)
  • Traveled by Acela/other Amtrak train past 12 mo (vac/prsnl)
  • Types of vacations plan to take next 12 months
  • Types of vacations taken past 12 months

To view Markets map/table, please click any Response
Response Count

 Market reported in the Multi-Market database